REPCET® is the first on-board computer system able to monitor whale positions thanks to a 10 years collaboration with shipping companies, environmental actors and engineers. Its aim is to limit the risk of ship strikes, one of the leading causes of accidental mortality of large cetaceans.
Ship strikes between ships and large cetaceans are accidents of great concern. In the North-Western Mediterranean Sea, 16 to 20% of whales found dead were involved in a ship strikes. Limiting risks implies to raise awareness, gain a better understanding of the problem and develop technological solutions.
The REPCET® software has been designed to preserve cetacean populations and ensure passengers’ safety on board. The REPCET® system allows reporting, sharing and receiving in real time the sighted cetacean positions within a network of subscribers. Today, 39 vessels are equipped with the system and actively participate in the smooth running of the network. Five institutions are also equipped with the shore interface.
A 2 hours training is provided to bring knowledge to the crew members about collisions and cetacean identification.
REPCET® software prevents collisions between vessels and large cetaceans and so contributes to the cetacean conservation and passenger security.

In the Indian Ocean, south of the coast of Sri Lanka, an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) has been identified by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Many blue whales are observed there throughout the year. Known as the largest animal living on our planet, the Blue Whale is also classified by the […]
A well-known humpback whale from the American West Coast was found stranded on 8/29/2022 in Halfmoon Bay on the coast of California. This humpback whale was nicknamed “Fran” (or CRC-12049) and was a well-known female in the region. She had been regularly observed over the years (she was the second most reported humpback whale on […]
The REPCET® system was co-developed by Souffleurs d’Ecume and Chrisar Software Technologies. Scientific and educational monitoring is provided by the NGO MIRACETI. The system has been operational since 2010. As of 31 December 2020, 37 REPCET units are deployed on board commercial vessels, as well as 3 fixed units deployed at CROSS MED, CROSS AG […]

Collect new data to enhance knowledge of fin whale and sperm whale movements in the Pelagos Sanctuary and improve the system.

raising awareness of the problematic of ship strikes and raising awareness of cetacean identification among seagoing personnel.

REPCET® software has been designed to preserve cetacean populations and ensure passenger safety on board on ferries.
