A new vessel equipped and two REPCET® trainings given
On April 8, a new vessel was equipped with REPCET®. This ship is the MONACO ONE: a 12-metre catamaran chartered by SMIP (Société Monégasque Internationale Portuaire). It joins the network of equipped vessels and will be able to contribute to sharing in real time the position of cetaceans that may be encountered during the navigations.
Also in April, two REPCET® training sessions took place on board of REPCET®-equipped vessels. Louis, collision programme manager at MIRACETI, went on board of the MONACO ONE (newly equipped) and the A NEPITA (equipped since August 2020). This training, which takes place on board of the ship, is in three parts :
• Presentation of the topic of collisions between commercial vessels and cetaceans and the origin of REPCET®
• Use of REPCET®: how the software works, how to report the presence of a cetacean
• Recognition of cetacean species: presentation of the different species that inhabit the north-western Mediterranean and the differentiation criteria to be able to identify them at sea.
This type of training is offered free of charge to the personnel of vessels equipped with REPCET® software.