Lectures for navigation professionals
Since 2011, Souffleurs d’Ecume (now MIRACETI) has been coordinating training sessions for seagoing and sedentary personnel of shipping companies* as well as cadets officer at the ENSM (“Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime”) in Marseille.
Developed within the framework of “ship strikes program” of MIRACETI and through the activities of the Pelagos Sanctuary, and with the support by the PACA Regional Council and the French “Ministère de la Transition Ecologique”, this training is divided in two modules: a first module of one day with professionals and several speakers, and a second module for cadets officer in training. The two modules take place in the premises of the ENSM of Marseille graciously provided to MIRACETI.
The main objective of this training is to limit the disturbances that shipping can cause to cetaceans and their habitats, while boosting and enhancing the involvement of ship-owners in the work of the Sanctuary. The system is essentially based on limiting the risk of collisions between large cetaceans and commercial vessels and other complementary themes are addressed each year.
Since 2011, the first module also welcomes officers from the French Navy and the Maritime Prefecture. Since 2012, CROSSMED has also participated in this training. This scheme was financed by the PACA Regional Council, the French part of the Pelagos Sanctuary, ACCOBAMS and benefited from logistical support from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime de Marseille, Armateurs de France and the Fondation Pour la Nature et l’Homme.
MIRACETI deeply thanks all these partners, as well as the speakers and participants.
Preventing collisions also reduces health risks: a stranded 40-tonnes carcass or brought back to a port generates costs associated with the disposal of the dead animal. The cost to blow the whale up with explosives ranges from €11,000 up to €25,000 and can have serious ecological consequences.
Responding to the major concerns of the Pelagos Sanctuary and ACCOBAMS, this training contributes to the preservation of the large cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea. It also strengthens and develops cooperation between shipping companies and environmental managers. In particular, it promotes the monitoring prospects of populations from commercial vessels as well as the scientific data reports on cetaceans crossed by watchkeeping personnel.