

REPCET® software prevents collisions between vessels and large cetaceans and so contributes to the cetacean conservation and passenger security.

What is REPCET ?

The REPCET® tool is a software designed for navigation which aims primarily to limit the risk of collisions between large cetaceans and large vessels. It is easy-to-use and based on the following elements: each cetacean encounter made by watchkeeping personnel from a REPCET user vessel, is transmitted in real time by satellite to a shore server. The server centralizes the data and alarms any vessels equipped with REPCET likely to encounter the cetacean on their route. Then, the alerts are mapped on a dedicated screen located on board and are available for 24 hours on the screen.

A security asset

Besides its ecological interest, REPCET presents a security asset. It is possible to report and receive reports of drifting devices that are relayed by the Regional Operational Centers for Safety and Rescue of the Mediterranean and the French West Indies ( “CROSSMED” & “CROSS Antilles Guyane”).

The collaborative nature of the system is based on the density of commercial marine traffic. Other voluntary contributors can also participate by reporting cetaceans, completing a form or through a mobile app, in particular military vessels, scientists at sea, whale-watching operators or even recreational boat.